Celery Optimization For Workloads

Introduction Firstly, a brief background about myself. I am working as a Software Engineer in one of the Alternate Asset Management Organization ( Handling 1.4 Trillion with our product suite ) responsible for maintaining and developing a product ALT Data Analyzer. My work is focused on making the engine run and feed the machines with their food. This article explains the problems we faced with scaling up our architecture and solution we followed. I am dividing the blog in the following different sections: Product Brief Current Architecture Problem With Data loads and Sleepless Nights Solutions Tried The Final Destination Product Brief The idea of building this product was to give users an aggregated view of the WEB around a company. By WEB I mean the data that is flowing freely over all the decentralized nodes of the internet. We try to capture all the financial, technical and fundamental data for the companies, pass that data through our massag...