Looping in R
LOOPS in R Loops are part of iterative programming where the user wants to perform a sequence of instructions N number of times. R provides 3 styles of loops: For Loop While Loop Repeat Loop For Loop For loops are used when we want to iterate over a sequence like vectors and or data frames. Syntax: v<-c(10,21,11,31,88,78) for (i in v){ print(i) } This will iterate over all the elements of vector v. For iterating over individual elements using the index one can use sequence vector and use it as index. Syntax: v<-c(10,21,11,31,88,78) for (i in 1:length(v)){ print(v[i]) } While Loop While loops are used when the iterations depend on a condition and it is difficult to predict the number of iterations. SYNTAX: i<-2 while(i<=10){ print(i) i<-i+2 } Repeat Repeat is a new ...