Information Extraction using GROKS in Python
Groks in Python In my previous blog , I wrote about information extraction using GROKS and REGEX. If you have not read that I will encourage you to go through this blog first. One of the important aspects of any tool is the ability to use it in a different environment and automate the tasks. In this post, we will be looking at the implementation of GROKs in python using pygrok library. By now we know that GROKs are a form of regular expressions that are more readable. Installation Pygrok is an implementation of GROK patterns in python which is available through pip distribution pip install pygrok Usage The library is extremely useful for using the pre-built groks as well as our own custom-built GROKS. Let's start with a very basic example: Parsing Text #import the package from pygrok import Grok #text to be processed text = ' gary is male, 25 years old and weighs 68.5 kilograms ' #pattern which you want to match pattern = ' % {WORD : ...