Python Interview Questions
Hi Readers, Writing the post after a long time, was looking out for job opportunities. Facing around 10-15 interviews, I have experienced some of the common interview questions asked from a Python Developer and thought of creating a list of these questions. Will create a separate post for answers as well. Here is the list of interview questions for python interviews: Which version of python have you worked with? What are MAGIC methods? What are DECORATORS? Write a decorator to add a '$' sign to a number. What are the different data types in python? What are mutable and immutable data types? Difference between list and tuples? Which one is faster to access list or a tuple and why? What is list comprehension? What is the use of negative indexing in the list? Why do we need list comprehension? How is it different from creating a list using a loop What are SETS in python? How are they different from LISTS? How SETS are internally stored in python? Which dat...